1. Select “Contacts” located on the toolbar at the top of the page.
  2.  Click the “Import Contacts” button on the top right-hand corner of your screen.
  3. Click “Import”.
  4. Select the file from your computer that you wish to upload. The file must be in CSV format (a spreadsheet).
  5. Next you can “Customize Your Import” by adding “Import Type”, “Status”, “Source, Color”, “Lead Tags for your entire list”, “Owner” and “Pool”.
  6. Once you scroll down, you can upload attachments to match to your contacts.
  7. If you scroll down further, you will be prompted to match database fields (left) with fields from the new file (right). Match the database fields to the applicable headers in your .CSV file. 
  8. If you do not have the information for a database field (e.g. email) do not make a selection and leave the field blank. 
  9.  If there is data in your CSV file that does not match pre-assigned fields, you can select to add the data into the notes entry by checking the boxes to the right.
  10.  Under “Duplicate Detection” you can select the Match Scope. Explanations of “None,” “Global”, “Owner,” “My Descendants” and “Owner Decedents” Selecting Global will check for duplicates against all leads in the database, Owner will check for duplicates in the owner's account, My descendants will check for duplicates within your account and your down line and Owner Decedents will check for duplicates in all shared leads owned by a specific owner and users managed by the specified owner.
  11.  If you select for matching to occur, you will be prompted to select which fields (e.g. Lead ID, phone, Address etc.) will be used to compare against existing leads. If unsure of what to use, we recommend name and address, first 5 digits or greater. 
  12.  You can then select for whether the name will be skipped or updated if a match is found. 
  13.  If you choose skip: if a match is found, the name will be skipped, and any new information will not be added to the system. 
  14.  If you choose update: matched leads will be updated with all new data from the import.  
  15. Click Continue”.
  16. You will be shown a preview of the first 5 contacts from your file. If everything looks correct, click “Continue”. Otherwise, click “Edit” and make any changes.
  17. You will then see a Process Summary, which shows you how many contacts were created, updated, or skipped. The names are now in your system and ready to be viewed.